New arrival Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC MasterLogic-200 Input/Output Modules in stock at HKXY. We supply good quality Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC for your reference.

Dear customer, new arrival Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC MasterLogic-200 Input/Output Modules in stock for your reference. We currently have some pieces of Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC module for sale now.
Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC MasterLogic-200 Input/Output Module product description:
MasterLogic-200, Honeywell’s next generation Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) adds power and robustness to logic-interlock-sequence batch control capabilities of Experion network.
It is state of the art, compact yet powerful & versatile, cost-effective solution ideal for fast logic, sequential, and batch control applications
Honeywell 2MLI-D24A-CC MasterLogic-200 Input/Output Module real product picture.
More product models for MasterLogic-200 Input/Output Module as below for your reference.
2MLI-D21A DC 24V Input, 8 point (Current source / sink input)
2MLI-D22A DC 24V Input, 16 point (Current source / sink input)
2MLI-D24A DC 24V Input, 32 point(Current source / sink input)
2MLI-D28A DC 24V Input, 64 point (Current source / sink input)
2MLI-D22B DC 24V Input, 16 point (Current source input)
2MLI-D24B DC 24V Input, 32 point (Current source input)
2MLI-D28B DC 24V Input, 64 point (Current source input)
2MLI-A12A AC 110V input, 16 point
2MLI-A21A AC 220V input, 8 point
2MLQ-RY1A Relay output, 8 point (for 2A, single COM.)
2MLQ-RY2A Relay output, 16 point (for 2A)
2MLQ-RY2B Relay output, 16 point (for 2A),
2MLQ-TR2A Transistor output, 16 point (for 0.5A, Sink output)
2MLQ-TR4A Transistor output, 32 point (for 0.1A, Sink output)
2MLQ-TR8A Transistor output, 64 point(for 0.1A, Sink output)
2MLQ-TR2B Transistor output 16 point (for 0.5A, Source output)
2MLQ-TR4B Transistor output 32 point (for 0.1A, Source output)
2MLQ-TR8B Transistor output 64 point (for 0.1A, Source output)
2MLQ-SS2A Triac output, 16 point (for 0.6A)
2MLF-AV8A Voltage Input: 8 channels DC 1 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 10V / 10 ~ +10V
2MLF-AC8A Current Input: 8 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 20mA
2MLF-AD8A Voltage/Current Input: 8 channels
2MLF-AD16A Voltage/Current Input: 16 Channels
2MLF-AD4S Voltage/Current Input: 4 channels
2MLF-DV4A Voltage Output: 4 channels DC 1 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 10V / 10 ~ +10V
2MLF-DC4A Current Output: 4 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 20mA
2MLF-DC4S Current Output: 4 channels, Isolation between channels
2MLF-DV8A Voltage Output: 8 channels DC 1 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 10V / 10 ~ +10V
2MLF-DC8A Current Output:: 8 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 20mA
2MLF-TC4S Temperature (T/C) Input, 4 channels, Isolation between channels
2MLF-HO2A Voltage Input type (Open Collector type)
2MLF-HD2A Differential Input type (Line Driver type)
2MLT-TERA Must use for base expansion
2MLT-DMMA Dust protection module for unused slot